My Spark

I am a student at Newton North High School part the Senior Year Project program. And as a senior, I've been thinking about my future. I began to wonder, "Am I prepared for college?" And for some reason, I didn't have the confident "yes" that I expected. Despite the fact that I attend one of the best public schools in Massachusetts, I don't feel like my foundation is stable because of the questions asked on a daily basis such as, "Is this on the test?" or "What are the steps to solve this?" Instead, the questions we should be asking are, "Why does this formula apply to this problem?" or "How does this work?" Otherwise, our education works as if we are going on a trip. We need to get from point A to point B. And instead of thinking about using a car, a train, a plane, or a bike, we are given the car, the gas to move it, and the directions to point B. If we could just think about how to get to point B, we would be learning about why the car is the best option, which gas to buy, and how to get to the final destination.  
As a curious student and the daughter of a special education teacher, I have always been curious about learning and appreciated teachers. I was also enrolled in the Russian School of Mathematics from grades 1-10, a secondary education program. When I struggled, I blamed it on the teacher. Then after some reasoning, I thought it was my fault. But maybe, it was both. ‬  
For my SYP, I want to figure out why the structure of public math education is allowing for so many students to flow through without thinking critically and analytically. Also, researching deeply into why families are turning to private schools, charter schools and additional after-school programs or tutoring. In addition, I want to research how information can be processed and retained best. I think the presentation of new material is key. It is the first thing a student remembers about a subject. I will be doing rigorous fieldwork for all levels of math education; from preschool, to elementary, middle, and high school. I have connections to visit all the age groups around the Newton and Brookline area and I plan on doing much of my field work at the Russian School of Mathematics. I plan on keeping a journal for predictions, observations, and outcomes. I will be coming out of this second semester with a full-fledged research paper and a short documentary with my findings, discoveries, and solutions. 

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